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Introduction to GIS for Aviation

Learn the fundamental concepts of GIS oriented to be used within aviation

This couse is part of the Advanced Aeronautical Charting Specialization

Presented by:
Antonio Locandro

Aeronautical Charting and Instrument Flight Procedure Design Expert (IFPD), Antonio has more than 16 years of experience using GIS of which 13 have been within Civil Aviation related activities. Having a background in a multinational environment provided opportunities to engage in different areas of AIM and lead projects including the transition from paper based system to an AIXM based one. 

Antonio Locandro is a member of IFAIMA, ICAO AIM WG-A and IFPDAVA

About this course

Learn the fundamental concepts of a GIS oriented to be used within aviation through ”hands-on‘ sessions where students spend the majority of their time doing exercises using QGIS.  Develop the required skills to be able to visualize, store and edit data either in raster or vector data that can be used to provide valuable information for your particular needs.

This course aims to provide an introduction to the use of geographic information systems (GIS) through the use of a modern open-source solution (QGIS) with a focus on aviation. Content is applicable to different domains within Aviation but in particular to the requirements for aeronautical charting (Annex 4) and products and services as required according to the Aeronautical Information Services (Annex 15).

In this course we will cover

General topics:

- Explain what a GIS is and how it may be used for the aviation domain
- Key components of a GIS
- Advantages of using a GIS to produce and maintain aeronautical charts
- Raster and Vector data
- Attribute Data
- Installing QGIS
- QGIS interface
- Navigation in a GIS environment
- Vector Data symbolization
- Raster Data symbolization
- Feature labelling
- Printing and Publishing
- Geospatial analysis introduction using geoprocessing
- Creating 3D Symbology
- Hands on Exercises and Course Project

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